Monday, April 6, 2009

Diary of a Trout Murderer

Yes, I did it. On Sunday April 5, 2009 I ended the lives of 4 rainbow trout for the selfish purpose of enjoying smoked Trout. Since you are interested I will describe the events as they played out. It all started on a Sunday morning after a wonderful Turkey Trout 2009 outing. You see it was a Turkey Trout like any other, there was beer, liquor, stories of yesteryear, a candy bar draft, and many other fun things that you would find on a Turkey Trout. I had it set in my mind that morning that I was ready to fuck some shit up, and the easiest target was trout. I stepped into the cold heartless waters of the rock hole with the purpose of destroying the helpless bastard fish that lie within. I started with the fly of choice for the weekend, the deadly "Pat's Rubber Leg's" however it's efforts to trick the hapless trout were thwarted. Fly after fly brought the same result and then it struck me that I would destroy them with the deadly size 12 Crackleback, Immediately it brought the first to it's doom, and 2 more soon thereafter. My limit seemed within reach, but I decided to spare the rest of the trout at the rock hole. I quickly moved up river changing flies frequently until I decided that it was time to put the Hammer down, and so I did. Hudson's Corner size 4 "Pat's Rubber Leg's" is where my last victim met his demise. The rest of the story can be described in the video below.


BL said...

I don't even Know you anymore

Hammer said...

I think I need therapy.