Thursday, May 14, 2009

Future OTD Member

Tommy Elliott gettin' into em' at the MDC "Go Fish" Basic Fishing II class.  Nothing basic about this picture,  that is about a 5 or 6 lb Channel Cat.  Way to go Tommy.  Now if we can just get your dad to bring you down to the stream and do a little fly fishing maybe some of that good luck or should I say skill will trickle down to the rest of us.  By the way,  not pictured is the 3 lb Channel Cat that he caught on the previous cast.   Honorable mention to Audrey Hammer who caught mas Hybrid Bluegill and almost baited her own hook.  One more thing, the secret educational lake we fished is open to kids in the winter for for Trout and apparently it is stocked heavily.


BL said...

that thing is fat. nice work, Tommy. Too bad you are ruined on catfishing for the rest of your life. Sorry to break you the bad news but you have already peaked and it is all down hill from here.

Hammer said...

There is still hope Tommy, but you will need to spend your days in a lawn chair on the banks of the Mississsippi or maybe the odd trip to china for one of those goliath catfish. You could just retire at this point as a professional catfisherman, take up the flyrod, and start your search for trophy browns.