Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lefty Kheh is coming to an Ozark Fly Fishers Meeting

Lefty Kheh is coming to an Ozark Fly Fishers Meeting

The all day meeting this year will feature Lefty Kreh, as most of you know Lefty is the foremost authority in our sport. When Lefty talks, people listen. Saturday, February 21st is the magical day. We will have the opportunity to see and hear the grandmaster enlighten us on casting and knot tying. He will be retelling some of his favorite stories and tales. Lefty is cutting back his speaking engagements so this may be the last time you get to see him in person. The meeting will be held at the Creve Coeur Government center on New Ballas Road. This is between Olive and HWY 40. We will start promptly at 8:30 AM and go as long as we need. Lefty will be available for autographs after the program is over. Bring your own books or gear for him to sign. I will have Lefty‟s book on casting at the meeting to auction off. The winner can get it autographed and have his picture taken with Lefty. He is expecting a full house as I have bragged on the number of members we have at each meeting, so let‟s spread the word and fill the room.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

For Chris.

Here is the clip I kept telling you about. Watch till the end.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

January 2009 Trip

Enjoy the Pics Fellas.  Jeff if you get a chance maybe you could use some of these to update our profile pics.